Urine & Stool Analysis

Urine & Stool Analysis at Akanksha Diagnostics

Urine and Stool Analysis are fundamental diagnostic tests used to assess kidney function, metabolic disorders, infections, digestive health, and gastrointestinal diseases. These tests help detect abnormalities, infections, and signs of diseases related to the urinary and digestive systems.

At Akanksha Diagnostics, we provide accurate and comprehensive urine and stool analysis, ensuring early detection and effective diagnosis of various health conditions. Our laboratory is equipped with advanced technology and expert professionals to deliver fast and reliable results.

Key Urine & Stool Tests We Offer:


Urine Analysis (Urinalysis & Culture)

  1. Routine Urine Examination – Assesses pH, protein, glucose, ketones, and blood in urine.
  2. Urine Culture & Sensitivity Test – Detects urinary tract infections (UTIs) and identifies effective antibiotics.
  3. 24-Hour Urine Protein Test – Measures protein levels to evaluate kidney function and detect kidney diseases.
  4. Urine Microscopy – Examines urine sediments for bacteria, crystals, and abnormal cells.
  5. Urine Pregnancy Test (hCG Test) – Confirms pregnancy by detecting human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).

Stool Analysis (Fecal Examination & Culture)

  1. Routine Stool Examination – Checks for consistency, color, presence of blood, mucus, and undigested food.
  2. Stool Occult Blood Test (FOBT) – Detects hidden blood in the stool, aiding in diagnosing ulcers, colon cancer, and gastrointestinal bleeding.
  3. Stool Culture & Sensitivity Test – Identifies bacterial infections like Salmonella, E. coli, and Clostridium difficile.
  4. Ova & Parasite Test (O&P Test) – Detects parasitic infections such as giardia, amoebiasis, and worms.
  5. Fecal Fat Test – Evaluates fat absorption and helps diagnose malabsorption disorders like celiac disease and pancreatitis.

At Akanksha Diagnostics, we ensure accurate, fast, and affordable urine and stool analysis, helping detect health issues early for better treatment outcomes.

Visit Akanksha Diagnostics for comprehensive urine & stool testing and take a proactive step toward better health and wellness.